Assistant Estimator


  • To assist in the development of estimating information for all tenders, negotiations, cost plans and cost advice, to maximise all opportunities to achieve the best net cost estimate. 
  • As part of the tender team, develop, demonstrate and maintain the highest standards of data output from the estimating function in relation to accuracy, risk assessment, temporary works, value engineering, HSSE and predictability of outcome. 
  • Ensure all estimates produced are accurate, complete, and optimised, resulting in the best value solution consistent with the approved business strategy.
  • Prepare supply chain enquiries and analyse of quotations for compliance and competitiveness. 
  • Gather data to be used to produce the project estimate. 
  • Prepare and contribute to in-house bill production for accurate measured quantities and input into estimating software iTWO. 
  • Develop high functioning relationships with site teams to ensure estimates are reflective of actual operational experience and captures lessons learnt, including attendance on project reviews to collate data and incorporate into future strategies. 
  • Contribute to the management of key Supply Chain relationships to ensure STRABAG secure the best value, competitive offering during tender preparation, and evaluation is accordance with Common Project Standards 2.4.2 considering criteria such as solvency, quality, capability, sustainability and HSSE. 
  • Develop high functioning relationships with other STRABAG Divisions and Sub-Divisions to successfully integrate team, JV pricing strategies and business strategies to use in-house capabilities on all opportunities.
  • Work with the tender team to Influence the Bid Plan and programme to execute. 
  • Assist in the preparation of all required financial reports for the Selection and Pricing Committee. 
  • Assist in the financial preparation of tenders, cost plans, negotiations to incorporate best value subcontract, material, plant and labour build-ups, working with the tender team to calculate value engineering cost, temporary works, risk and opportunity sums. 
  • Participate in the governance process to ensure the outputs from the Common Procedures System (CPS) are accurately reflected and presented for approvals at each gateway. 
  • In conjunction with the tender team develop bid winning and profit improvement strategies. 
  • Adherence to STRBAG policies and procedures.

Vaše kvalifikácie

  • Degree Qualified or equivalent 
  • CSCS card
  • Knowledge of commercial conditions
  • Proven successful estimating experience in Building projects, including undertaking the role of Senior Estimator
  • Extensive variety in types of work priced
  • Experience of Private and Public sector Clients
  • IT Literate
  • Experience of Industrial and Logistics Sector
  • Experience of Secure Sector 

Čo ponúkame

Competitive Salary Life & Accident Cover Cycle to Work Scheme Discretional corporate bonus scheme – to recognise exceptional performance 25 days annual holiday (plus bank holidays) Please note: All applicants are requested to ensure that they can demonstrate their right to work in the UK

Váš kontakt

Mark Spiers
3 Floor, The Tower
Tel. Applications online
Solihull, UK
Pozemné staviteľstvo
Plný úväzok
Job-ID: req62650

O nás

Pokrok sa začína u nás.

V skupine STRABAG buduje pokrok 86 000 ľudí, ktorí pracujú v 2 400 pobočkách po celom svete. Jedinečnosť a sila charakterizujú nielen naše projekty, ale aj každého z nás. Vo všetkom, čo robíme – či už v pozemnom staviteľstve, pri výstavbe inžinierskych stavieb, ciest, mostov alebo tunelov, v developmente, pri výrobe stavebných materiálov alebo pri správe budov – myslíme na budúcnosť, aby sme sa stali najinovatívnejším a najudržateľnejším technologickým stavebným koncernom v Európe. Rovnosť príležitostí, diverzita a inklúzia sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou našej firemnej identity a spôsobu našej práce.Úspešne a na partnerskom princípe realizujeme naše projekty a rastieme s novými úlohami. Spoločne dosahujeme veľké ciele. Buduj s nami budúcnosť!
Ozvi sa nám teraz a staň sa členom nášho tímu.

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Podcast: Ausbildung STRABAG BMTI


ďalšie zaujímavé ponuky

Senior Design Manager
Solihull, UK
Solihull, UK
Senior Design Manager
Solihull, UK

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