BIM Modeller


As a BIM Modeller, you'll engage in collaborative teamwork, utilizing your expertise to craft intricate 3D models and meticulously structure projects from inception. Your focus will extend to ensuring the potential for 4D and 5D BIM integration, enhancing the efficiency and of designs for both buildings and civil structures. Your contributions will play a pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of digitalization in civil engineering, making a significant impact on the success of our projects.

  • Responsibility for creating, maintaining and updating 3D models 
  • Responsibility for organizing the data used for creating 3D models 
  • Responsible for structuring the projects from the start and making sure that the possibility for 4D and 5D BIM exists 
  • Creating, maintaining and updating the local 3D model Library 
  • Responsible for timely & quality deliverables for BIM Projects 
  • Adhere to STRABAG quality standards and design guidelines 
  • Assist the BIM Coordinator by providing technical feedback regarding 3D modeling in BIM Projects 
  • Work in close cooperation with the BIM Coordinator in all aspects related to BIM project’s planning and execution 
  • Ensure that the BIM Coordinator is aware of aspects that might impact on the level of quality and timely realization of the projects 
  • Maintain and develop relationships with the BIM Responsibles on the construction site 
  • Review and propose new procedures and rules meant to optimize the day to day 3D model process 
  • Propose BIM trainings to the BIM Coordinator in order to facilitate the increase of quality and speed of design in BIM Projects.


  • Degree in Architecture or Civil Engineering (preferably Building Design) 
  • Proficiency in specific 3D Software for design and coordination (e.g. Revit, ArchiCAD, Navisworks, BIMCollab ZOOM, Civil 3D and knowledge of AutoCad 2D/3D) 
  • Preferably work experience in a similar position 
  • Good knowledge of BIM specific terms, codes and overall process 
  • Working knowledge of MS Office 
  • Good English knowledge, both written and verbal 
  • Able to coordinate with a team 
  • Targeted long-term commitment in our company.


Anton Jugaru
Calea 13 Septembrie 90
Tel. +4021 403 4391
Hoch- und Ingenieurbau
Job-ID: req58696

Über uns

Fortschritt beginnt mit uns.

Bei STRABAG bauen rund 86.000 Menschen an 2.400 Standorten weltweit am Fortschritt. Einzigartigkeit und individuelle Stärken kennzeichnen dabei nicht nur unsere Projekte, sondern auch jede:n Einzelne:n von uns. Ob im Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, Straßen- und Tiefbau, Brücken- und Tunnelbau, in der Projektentwicklung, Baustoffproduktion oder im Gebäudemanagement – wir denken Bauen weiter, um der innovativste und nachhaltigste Bautechnologiekonzern Europas zu werden. Chancengleichheit, Vielfalt und Inklusion sind integrale Bestandteile dessen, wer wir als Unternehmen sind und wie wir arbeiten. Gemeinsam setzen wir Vorhaben erfolgreich und partnerschaftlich um und wachsen an neuen Aufgaben. Gemeinsam erschaffen wir Großes. Bau mit uns die Zukunft!
Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams.

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Podcast: Ausbildung STRABAG BMTI


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