Senior Specialist Corporate Development - New Business Models (m / f / d)


The team is responsible for identifying and evaluating new business opportunities, find product-market fit for business model hypotheses and hands-on venturing. You will be part of STRABAG's Corporate Development team, conquering new and challenging spaces that transform the construction industry. You will build upon existing know-how of STRABAG experts but enjoy operational freedom and flexibility in executing strategically relevant projects by developing new business models.

  • Development of new business models and execution of strategic venture building initiatives for STRABAG from scratch
  • Lead cross-functional project teams to transform ideation insights and concepts to MVPs and scalable products
  • Independently drive the entire venturing process with a hands-on attitude
  • Acquire relevant partners (e.g. software developer, company builders, strategic partners, STRABAG business units) when setting up and delivering venture building projects 
  • Present strategic documents, business cases and MVPs to STRABAG senior management in do-or-die sessions

Vaše kvalifikácie

  • Minimum of 5+ years relevant work experience in fast-paced environment such as VC, growth-startup, company builder, corporate development or consulting 
  • You are passionate about ConstructionTech, PropTech products and knowledgeable about best practices in the tech space 
  • Proven experience of developing new lines of business or developing strategic partnerships  
  • Deep understanding of business models and high interest in new technologies 
  • Problem-solving mindset with excellent analytical abilities to tackle various conceptual and strategic topics 
  • Fluency in German and English; strong presentation skills 

Valuable addition:

  • Professional touch points within the Construction, PropTech or GreenTech space

Čo ponúkame

Become a valuable member of our dynamic team and work closely and collegiately on strategic and sustainable projects with different stakeholders and top management. We encourage flexible working (hours to suit you, choose home or office) and offer you individual development programs as well as diverse career opportunities within the STRABAG group. The gross annual salary for this position in Austria is starting from € 72.000. In addition, we offer an overpayment in line with the market depending on qualifications and experience.

Váš kontakt

Ivana Kosic
Donau-City-Strasse 1
1220 Wien
Tel. +43 6763660343
Strabag AG
Služby / Servisné spoločnosti
Plný úväzok
Job-ID: req63617

O nás

Pokrok sa začína u nás.

V skupine STRABAG buduje pokrok 86 000 ľudí, ktorí pracujú v 2 400 pobočkách po celom svete. Jedinečnosť a sila charakterizujú nielen naše projekty, ale aj každého z nás. Vo všetkom, čo robíme – či už v pozemnom staviteľstve, pri výstavbe inžinierskych stavieb, ciest, mostov alebo tunelov, v developmente, pri výrobe stavebných materiálov alebo pri správe budov – myslíme na budúcnosť, aby sme sa stali najinovatívnejším a najudržateľnejším technologickým stavebným koncernom v Európe. Rovnosť príležitostí, diverzita a inklúzia sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou našej firemnej identity a spôsobu našej práce.Úspešne a na partnerskom princípe realizujeme naše projekty a rastieme s novými úlohami. Spoločne dosahujeme veľké ciele. Buduj s nami budúcnosť!
Ozvi sa nám teraz a staň sa členom nášho tímu.

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Podcast: Ausbildung STRABAG BMTI


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